Policy for the use of Cookies in our website and application.

LifeBooster Inc. Cookie Policy

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to honor the privacy and security of any data collected from visitors to LifeBooster’s website or end user of the web application, as LifeBooster Inc. acts as a Personal Data Controller under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

2.0 Scope

This policy applies to the LifeBooster Inc.’s website and web application, which uses cookies, in combination with pixels, local storage objects, and similar devices (“cookies”).

For visitors to the website, cookies are used in order to distinguish users from each other. Users of the LifeBooster Inc. website may experience personalized content while they visit the website.

For users of the LifeBooster Inc. web application, cookies are used to maintain and provide insight to build better features and enhance your experience including technical support.

3.0 Definitions

Cookie: A small file of letters and numbers that is stored on a user’s browser or the hard drive of the user’s device. Cookies allow website and web application owners to link the actions of users during a browser session

First-party cookie: Cookies set by a website or web application that the user is visiting at the time (e.g., cookies placed by an organization website domain).

Third-party cookie: Cookies set by a domain other than that of the website or web application being visited by the user (e.g., when a user visits a website and another entity sets a cookie through that website).

Persistent cookies: These cookies remain on a user’s device for the period of time specified in the cookie. Every time the user revisits the website or web application, the cookies are activated.

Session cookies: These cookies are temporary, once a browser is closed, all session cookies are deleted.

4.0 Policy

This policy describes the types of cookies that are used on the LifeBooster Inc. website and the LifeBooster Inc. web application and the purposes for which they are used.

If users have questions about the Cookie Policy or data privacy, information can be obtained from privacy@lifebooster.ca.

If users require more information related to LifeBooster Inc. privacy practices, this can be accessed by visiting the Privacy Policy.

4.1 Use of Cookie and Purpose

The following is a list of types of cookies and they may serve multiple purposes.

4.1.1 Strictly Necessary Cookies

Strictly necessary cookies allow the user to navigate around the website or web application and use essential features (such as secure areas). They are used:

  • To identify and authenticate the user.
  • To ensure the user connects to the correct website service.
  • For security purposes.

4.1.2 Performance Cookies

Performance cookies collect information about how users use the website or web application, for example, which pages a user visits and if there are any errors during that visit. Performance cookies do not collect identifiable information about the user. Some LifeBooster Inc. performance cookies may be managed by third parties. Performance cookies are used to:

  • Provide statistics on website or web application use and for web analytics purposes.
  • Provide feedback to affiliates and to carry out affiliate tracking.
  • Gather data on how many users of the website viewed particular services or products.
  • Improve the website or web application by measuring errors.
  • Test designs of the website or web application.

4.1.3 Functionality Cookies

Functionality cookies provide services to users or remember settings for users. Some LifeBooster Inc. functionality cookies may be managed by third parties. Functionality cookies are used to:

  • Remember layout, text size, or color preferences for unique users.
  • Remember when users have already been asked to fill in a survey.
  • Remember when users have visited or engaged with specific website or web application components.
  • Show users when they are logged in to the website or web application .
  • Show embedded videos.
  • Remember cookie preferences on the website.

4.1.4 Targeting Cookies

Targeting cookies are used to track user visits to the website, and other websites, apps and online services. Targeting cookies are used to:

  • Improve the delivery of personalized content and ads and to measure ad campaign success through the website.

4.2 Consent

Explicit consent for cookies is only necessary for Targeting cookies. As LifeBooster Inc.’s website and web application do not use Targeting cookies, no explicit consent is required. 

If a user of our web application or visitor to our website does not wish to give consent for Strictly Necessary Cookies, Performance Cookies, and/or Functionality Cookies, the user will need to delete and block or disable cookies via their browser settings. Disabling cookies affects website functionality and may prevent user access to particular features of the website. 

4.3 How to Delete and Block Cookies

Using browser settings, users can control cookies. If a user blocks all cookies, including strictly necessary cookies, they may not be able to access all or sections of the LifeBooster Inc. website or web application . If a user has not adjusted their browser settings to refuse cookies, the system will issue some cookies immediately upon visiting the LifeBooster Inc. website or web application. Cookies on the website requiring consent will be placed after consent has been provided. Users can navigate to their internet browser’s options or preferences menu in order to adjust their cookie settings.

5.0 Cookie List

Technical Name Purpose Session/Persistent  Type
auth0_compat Auth0 fallback cookie for single sign-on on browsers that don’t support the sameSite=None attribute. 3 days Strictly Necessary
auth0 Auth0 cookie used to implement the Auth0 Session Layer. 3 days Strictly Necessary
did Auth0 cookie for device identification for attack protection. 1 day Strictly Necessary
a0.spajs.txs. Auth0 cookie used to authenticate Single-Page Apps 1 day Strictly Necessary
did_compat Auth0 fallback cookie for anomaly detection on browsers that don’t support the same Site=None attribute. 150 days Strictly Necessary
_ga Google Analytics cookie used to collect information and report site usage statistics without personally identifying individual visitors to Google 2 years Performance
_gid Google Analytics User ID. The cookie is used to store information of how visitors use a website and helps in creating an

analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form.

1 day Performance
_dc_gtm_UA-[code] Google Analytics cookie to throttle request rate. Performance
__hstc Hubspot’s main cookie for tracking visitors. It contains the domain, utk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session). 6 months Performance
hubspotutk Hubspot cookie that keeps track of a visitor’s identity, containing an opaque globally unique identifier to represent the current visitor. It is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts. 6 months Performance
__hssc Hubspot cookie to keep track of sessions. It is used to determine if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie. It contains the domain, viewCount (increments each pageView in a session), and session start timestamp. 30 minutes Performance
messagesUtk Hubspot cookie used to recognize visitors who chat via the chatflows tool. 6 months Functionality
__hssrc Hubspot cookie used when HubSpot changes the session cookie. This cookie is also set to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser. If this cookie does not exist when HubSpot manages cookies, it is considered a new session. It contains the value “1” when present. Session Performance
__hs_cookie_cat_pref Hubspot cookie to record consent to cookies. 6 months Strictly Necessary
__hs_initial_opt_in Hubspot cookie to prevent the cookie banner from always displaying when visitors are browsing in strict mode. 7 days Strictly Necessary
device_pixel_ratio WordPress cookie to record the device’s pixel ratio so that the website may choose to serve you higher resolution graphics. Session Functionality
ln_or LinkedIn cookie, registers statistical data on users’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics. 1 day Performance
intercom-id-[app id] Intercom cookie used as a unique anonymous identifier for the Messenger. 9 months Functionality
intercom-session-[app id] Intercom cookie used for keeping track of sessions. Allows users to access their Messenger conversations and have data communicated on logged out pages for 1 week. 1 week Functionality
intercom-device-id-[app id] Intercom cookie used as a unique device identifier for each unique device interacting with the Messenger. Used to identify the device interacting with the Messenger in order to improve security 9 months Functionality

Last updated Dec 14, 2023