Data-Driven Injury Reduction for the Enterprise.

LifeBooster has redefined workplace safety and risk management, delivering insights and proactive strategies  to drive injury reduction through proactive prevention.

Historically, safety programs have warranted substantial investments, however injury rates continue to increase or at best remain stagnant. It’s time for a new approach.

LIFEBOOSTER SENZ™: The Future of Comprehensive Risk Assessments.

Risk assessments are hard and time consuming leading to insufficient and inaccurate data.

With SENZ you can conduct full day comprehensive assessments across various risk categories organization-wide.

  • Repetitive Strain
  • Awkward and Sustained Postures
  • Heat Stress Risk
  • Hand Arm Vibration (HAVS)
  • Lifting Assessment

Additionally, we expose Workload and Movement data to overlay your risk assessment data.

Our customers use these real-time insights to understand exactly where risk is across their organization – all locations, facilities, lines and jobs – at scale. With rapid data collection and minimal assessor time (~5 minutes per assessment), businesses gain actionable insights to optimize workplace safety and well-being.

Work as Done vs. Work as Perceived.

It’s time to fix safety by fixing the system, not the employees.

You can’t improve the work without understanding why work is being done differently than imagined. Traditional risk assessments often rely on snapshots of work activities, providing an incomplete picture of potential risks. This “work as perceived” approach neglects the nuances of “work as done,” leading to missed opportunities for intervention.

By leveraging advanced technology and a Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) framework, we capture the full spectrum of employee activities, revealing hidden hazards and enabling data-driven solutions, all without the burden of the Hawthorne Effect.

Discover how LifeBooster’s technology transforms your understanding of ergonomic risks and empowers you to create a truly safe and efficient workplace.

You Can’t be Everywhere All the Time. But LifeBooster Can.

Let’s face it. Computer vision audits don’t give you the full picture.


Senz lets you perform comprehensive, full shift assessments so you can effectively manage ergonomic and environmental risks of your global workforce from anywhere using any connected device. You can quickly scale up to 1000s of hours of risk data per day baselining risk across the enterprise, giving you unparalleled visibility into the true risks your employees are exposed to with a mere fraction of resources required

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Everyday, your workers...

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Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Real ROI.

LifeBooster delivers tangible results for your organization:

  • Injury Reduction: Our data-driven approach pinpoints high-risk areas, enabling targeted interventions that significantly reduce workplace injuries.
  • Operational Efficiency: No more time-consuming, subjective assessments. LifeBooster’s digitized solution empowers your team to assess 1000x more efficiently, freeing up resources for critical tasks.
  • Cost Savings: Reduce workers’ compensation claims, improve operational efficiency, and avoid unnecessary “spray and pray” programs. Beyond hard costs, LifeBooster also contributes to a stronger safety culture, reduced employee turnover, and enhanced engagement.

Experience the LifeBooster Difference Today.

You Can’t Fix Safety Without Fixing the System.

Shift focus from the employee to the system.


We believe that the workplace, the system, is designed largely without risks in mind, and needs fixing. But traditionally, safety programs have relied so heavily on the employee – training programs, job coaching, PPE, etc. And efforts solely reliant on employees has marginal gains due to turnover, return to work, retention, etc. It’s time to fix the system. 

Partnering with LifeBooster puts the latest technology designed to accurately and comprehensively measure risk at your finger tips. What’s more, our Customer Success Team and Ergonomists will be with you, side by side, to ensure you achieve your sustainable and scalable risk management goals.